Major Help Issues: Online Music Community
Ok. I know one thing, I have a duty to help music creatives, mainly aspiring music professionals. There’s a BUT though.
I don’t care to help EVERYONE, anymore. I look forward to helping serious, aspiring music professionals, that want to really do music on the highest level. I want to help music creatives that are willing to do what it takes for them to reach their goals… once I know someone is serious, that is when I can do my part.
My Past Mistake(s) & What I’ve Learned From Monster Sessions:
1.) My biggest past mistake was believing everyone. This past 7-8 years, if you told me you were serious, I believed you were serious. If you paid money into the services I created for music creatives online, I assumed you were serious… but it took me all of this time to realize that a persons word is always the truth and most importantly not worth my efforts in helping them.
2.) The majority of online music creatives may really think they’re serious. If you told them they weren’t they’d be offended, even if you know from professional experience that they’re not serious, they’re oblivious to this reality and won’t understand you… so it’s really like a lose, lose, mainly for me… because I feel as though I have the ability & knowledge to help anyone, but helping a non-committed adult comes at a cost.
3.) Helping people & giving away my time, for free. The online music community does not value professional experience, mainly because they’ve never actually seen it. The majority of other influencers that they watch and are learning from are not actually true music industry professionals, and are giving out all of their information for free, or are offering services that are not helping creatively, but more so hindering them. I have helped hundreds of music creatives for free, off of the internet, and for the most part, it has only left me taken for granted than appreciated. A lot of what I allowed from students I’ve helped came from their own ignorance, which is my fault for allowing it to happen for so long. All of this dies in 2022, as I look forward to standing in my value beyond today.
4.) I need to focus on a specific demographic. The online community has a very vast age range, from 14 - 40+ years old. I need to define my help & services to a dedicated age range, skill & mindset. I will not be offering services to anyone who pays going forward. All money is not good money for me.
5.) I need to entertain the online music community, and seriously help those who actually need it. I will not be offering my passion for music and educating music creatives to social media anymore. I will offer services, camps, classes & events to a distinguished group that will not be based on age or skill level, it will be based on integrity, commitment, responsibility & accountability. I will not offer help to anyone if there is no accountability system in place.
In closing, the biggest question for me is, how?
How do I want to help aspiring music professionals going forward? I have so many options & ideas. I’m not in a rush to figure it out, but it will happen soon.
Some of the things I’m thinking about are:
Private Camps, Classes & Events
Educating a specific age range, possibly 13 - 19 years old.
Online production & mixing series (invite only)
Members Only Areas
Monster A&R Level 4
Private Consulting
A&R Interviews
Mixing & Production Services, with a focus on direct education & opportunity for each participant.
Public Music Reviews
Livestream Music Reviews + Interview
Virtual Collaborations
Partnership Opportunities w/ Online Music Creatives
I’ll be announcing a few new platforms very soon.
In the meantime, I will focus on learning more about the current online community, creating content, discovering and announcing my findings on other online content creators and either verifying them or calling them out, holding them accountable… because all content creators & influencers either add or take value away from the music community.